Pre-school education is provided in 11 different locations throughout Loimaa. The pre-school places are:
- Hirvimetsä daycare centre
- Kauhanoja daycare centre
- Kirkonkylä school Alastaro
- Metsämaa daycare centre
- Nappulakoski daycare centre
- Nappulapelto daycare centre
- Niinijoki daycare centre
- Daycare centre in Peltoinen
- Daycare centre in the Puistometsä
- Daycare centre Melli
- Touhula Alastaro daycare centre
- Daycare centre Virttaa
There are four hours of pre-school education per day care centre between 8.00- 13.00.
Hirvikoski Unified School provides pre-school education for children with intellectual disabilities.