Municipal Committees

The following committees operate in the city of Loimaa:

Municipal Audit Committee

The Municipal Audit Committee is a statutory board. Its task is to prepare the matters to be decided by the council concerning the audit of administration and finances and to assess whether the operational and financial objectives set by the council have been achieved in the municipality and the group of municipalities and whether the activities have been organised in an efficient and appropriate manner.

In addition, the Municipal Audit Committee monitors compliance with the obligation to declare interests as laid down in Article 84 of the Municipal Act and forwards the declarations to the City Council for information.

Member Deputy
Markku Pulliainen (chair, centre)Juhani Hämäläinen
Riina Heinonen (vice-chair, left)Hannes Mikkola
Maiju Boenisch (sdp)Hanna-Mari Leinonen
Mimosa Helander (CoR+DEC)Suvi Ollilainen
Kimmo Kannisto (ps+sit)Liisa Kannisto
Sakari Kojo (CoR+Cd)Ilari Uusitalo
Riikka Ollila (ml)Elina Huhti

Living Environment Committee

The task of the Living Environment Committee is to ensure that the technical environment of the city is managed fairly and economically. It is responsible for the development, construction, maintenance and operation of the municipality’s properties and municipal infrastructure.

The committee’s tasks also include liaison and monitoring of building and environmental control. The committee is also responsible for the organization and provision of plans and services relating to buildings and municipal engineering, private roads, and the municipal tasks of rescue and civil protection.

The technical director acts as rapporteur for the committee.

Juho Pietilä (chair, centre)Lauri Salo
Juha Vuorinen (ps+sit)Heidi Laine
Hannu Gustafsson (left)Voitto Järvenpää
Salla Haavisto (centre)Sanna Vuolle
Marika Jokela (CoR+Cd)Päivi Isotuovola
Piia Mäkelä (ml)Riikka Ollila
Olavi Suominen (CoR+Cd)Teemu Heilala
Leila Tanskanen (SPD)Kati Jokinen
Tapani Wallin (ps+sit)Merja Jämsen

Permit section of the Living Environment Committee

Tapani Wallin (chair, ps+sit)Merja Jämsen
Juho Pietilä (deputy, centre)Lauri Salo
Hannu Gustafsson (left)Voitto Järvenpää
Marika Jokela (CoR+Cd)Päivi Isotuovola
Piia Mäkelä (ml)Riikka Ollila

Welfare Committee

The municipality must promote the well-being and health of its residents. The municipality has primary responsibility for promoting well-being and health, insofar as this task is linked to other statutory tasks of the municipality. In its strategic planning, the municipality must set objectives for the promotion of health and well-being and define measures to support these objectives. In its decision-making, it must take into account the estimated impact of its decisions on people’s well-being and health, broken down by population group.

The different sectors of the municipality must work together to promote well-being and health. The municipality must appoint a person responsible for promoting well-being and health. The municipality must monitor the living conditions, well-being and health of local residents and the factors influencing them by region and population group. The municipality must report annually to the council on the well-being and health of its residents, the factors affecting them and the measures taken. In addition, the municipality must prepare a well-being report and plan on the above-mentioned issues for the council every council term. The municipality must submit the well-being report and plan to the well-being region and publish it on the public information network.

The municipality must work in cooperation with the welfare region to promote well-being and health and support it with its expertise. In addition, the municipality must cooperate in promoting well-being and health with other public actors, private companies and non-profit organisations working in the municipality to promote well-being and health. The municipality must also promote the operating conditions and influence of organisations working to promote health and well-being (Act on the Organisation of Social Welfare and Health Care 612/2021, § 6).

The City Executive Board has set up a Wellbeing Committee on 7 November 2022 to coordinate the promotion and monitoring of the wellbeing and health of residents, based on the guidance of the City Executive Board, in cooperation with the institutions.

The Welfare Board will cease to exist on 31 December 2022, following the reform of the Welfare Regions.

Jari Välimäki (chair, centre)Tiia Levonen
Annareeta Vuorinen (deputy, ml)Juuso Kiviranta
Maarit Koivisto (left)Riina Heinonen
Timo Tamminen (SPD)Ari Laaksonen
Jaana Boström (CoR+Cd)Sirpa Pietilä
Jarmo Metsänperä (ps+sit)Merja Jämsen

Committee of Education and Culture

The Education and Culture Committee is responsible for early childhood education, basic education and leisure services. Recreational services include library, cultural, sports and youth activities, music and work academies. It manages and develops these activities and is responsible for the efficient organization of services. It monitors and evaluates the effectiveness of the services and gives customers and users the opportunity to participate in the planning and development of the services.

The rapporteur in the committee is the Director of Education and Culture.

Sanni Kiviniemi (chair, CoR+Cd)Ilze Liepina-Naula
Heikki Vainio (deputy, centre)Paavo Rautavuori
Esa Aronoja (ml)Viljami Pajula
Riina Heinonen (left)Eeva Anttila
Heidi Laine (ps+sit)Merja Jämsen
Seppo Paldanius (CoR+Cd)Eino knuutila
Hanna-Mari Leinonen (SPD)Aino Suominen
Janina Penttilä (ml)Niina Remes-Rautakumpu
Mikko Vuolle (centre)Lauri Salo

Central Election Committee

The Central Election Committee is responsible for organizing the elections. For more information about the elections, see the Elections page of the city’s website.

MembersDeputy in order of precedence
Hannu Härmäaho (chair, centre)1.Rauno Järvinen (ml)
Hannu Kauti (vice-chair, CoR+Cd)2. Olli Laine (centre)
Anja Heikkilä (ps+sit)3. Ilpo Knuutila (Kok+kd)
Pirkko Hämäläinen (left)4. Tarja Haapanen (SPD)
Leila Tamminen (SPD)5. Virve Pitkänen (left)
6. Tuula Mikkola (ps+sit)