Enrollment in basic education
Enrolment for future Year 1 pupils
School enrolment (for Year 1 in primary education) takes place annually in early January using an electronic form. To fill in the form, strong authentication with a mobile certificate or bank details is required.
In 2024, the deadline for enrolment is 5.1. – 16.1.2024.
Determining the local school
For grades 1-6, the child’s local school (primary school) is determined by the child’s address (official place of residence as recorded in the population register), i.e. the nearest school geographically. A school other than the geographically nearest school may be designated as the nearest school for health or other special reasons on the basis of a medical certificate.
The place where a pupil attends pre-school does not directly determine the place of primary school.
In grades 7-9, the child’s local school is determined by the primary school as follows:
Puistokatu School:
- Asemanseutu school
- Kauhanoja school
- Keskuskoulu school
- Kirkonkylä (Alastaro) school
Hirvikoski comprehensive school:
- Hirvikoski comprehensive school
- Metsämaa school
- Niinijoki school
Secondary school place
A parent or guardian can also apply for a place at a school other than the local school (secondary school place) when enrolling in a comprehensive school. The parent can also apply for a secondary school place in the 6th grade for the upper classes. The application for a secondary school place is made by means of an electronic form during the application period in January. The e-form requires strong authentication with a mobile certificate or bank details.
In 2024, the application period for secondary school places is 5.1. – 16.1.2024.
A pupil admitted to a secondary school will not be provided with school transport and will not be reimbursed for transport costs (the pupil will not be entitled to transport allowance).
New pupils moving to the city of Loimaa
The school place of pupils moving to Loimaa is generally determined by their future place of residence. If you are considering moving, please contact the school office directly.
Contact Information
School office: Ylistaronkatu 36, 32200 Loimaa
Adress: PL 9, 32201 Loimaa
Education director/school activities Mr. Pärkö Manne tel. +358 50 593 6249
Transport planner / teaching services Mrs. Ylenius Maarit tel. +358 50 594 7743