Working for the city of Loimaa

The city of Loimaa has some of the best jobs in the country.

The City of Loimaa employs around 550 professionals. Almost 80% of us are employed on a permanent basis. The service areas are education, technical, business and economic development and administrative services.

Our employees have access to a wide range of training opportunities. We also offer a wide range of cultural and sporting benefits. Welcome to work in Loimaa!

Vacancies are advertised in addition to our own website:

Loimaa is a good place to work

Staff well-being is important to us and an annual job satisfaction survey is carried out to assess the situation of our staff. Absences are regularly monitored with the occupational health service and an early support model is in place for managers.

The City of Loimaa is a smoke-free employer that wants to support healthy lifestyles among its staff. The city’s sports services organise their own groups for staff, and as an employment benefit they have access to the city’s sports facilities, including the Vesihovi swimming pool and gym.

Our offices are located in different parts of Loimaa and remote work is also possible as agreed. Loimaa is located within easy reach. The city of Loimaa wants to be a good place to work. The values of the city and our operations are resident orientation, innovation, responsibility and cooperation.

Placements, internships, apprenticeships and civilian service

You can enquire directly with the service sectors about temporary and study-related placements and apprenticeships (

The education service sector:
Director of Education and Culture Manne Pärkö (Education Services)
Director of Early Childhood Education Heidi Kauti (Early Childhood Education)

Technical services sector:
Food Service Manager Pirjo Kivinen
Security Manager Esa Aronoja

Administrative services sector:
Human Resources Manager Eveliina Kiiski

Civilian service is possible in the city’s workplaces.
For more information, contact Eveliina Kiiski, Human Resources Manager.
More information on civilian service