Events and exhibitions

Libraries organise events and exhibitions throughout the year in partnership with various partners. The Main Library and the Alastaro Library have facilities for exhibitions. For more information about organising an event or holding an exhibition, please contact the library.

News from

Reading groups

In An Open Reading Circle, you read the book beforehand and then discuss the book together. The reading circle is led by Tarja Nikander. The reading group meets once a month at the Main Library on Tuesdays at 12.
Open reading groups and books for spring 2025:
Tue 18.2. Petri TamminenMusta vyö (2019)
Tue 18.3. Johanna HolmströmSielujen saari (2017)
Tue 22.4. Mikko RimminenPussikaljaromaani (2004)
Tue 13.5. Iida TurpeinenElolliset (2023)

The Book Tips for Circulation reading circle gives and receives reading recommendations. The themes for the reading group sessions are decided together. The reading circle is led by Katja Isotalo, a library officer. The reading circle meets once a month on Wednesdays at 18 in the Main Library.

Spring 2025 The Book Tips for Circulation -reading circles:
Wed 12.2. at 18
Wed 12.3. at 18
Wed 9.4. at 18

Regular events

Studia Generalia -lecture series

The Studia Generalia -lecture series takes place in the Main Library’s on Thursdays at 17.30. Admission is free, no pre-registration required. The lectures are organised in co-operation between the Main Library and the Loimaa Workers’ College.

  • Thu 30.1. at 17.30 Paavo Nurmi’s amazing tour of America 1925
    PhD, non-fiction writer, sports journalist Kalle Virtapohja
  • Thu 13.2. at 17.30 People’s stories from Loimaa in the past 2
    FM Sami Männistö
  • Thu 20.3. at 17.30 The life course of heirs of farms in the Loimaa and Huittinen area in the 1700-1800s
    PhD Kirsi Laine

Novel hook

Novel hooks are organised in the Main Library and Hirvikoski Library. Novel hooks are a time to make crafts and listen to short stories. You can also just come and listen. At each meeting, there is a rotating guest reader who reads a short story.

The Novel Hooks of the Main Library in spring 2025:
Wed 5.3. at 18
Wed 2.4. at 18

The Novel Hooks of the Hirvikoski Library in spring 2025:
Tue 18.2. at 16.30
Tue 18.3. at 16.30
Tue 15.4. at 16.30
Tue 13.5. at 16.30


Storytimes can be held in all libraries at individually agreed times, for example for day-care groups. Contact your library!

Regular exhibitions

Loimaa Art Society’s picture of the month is on display in the Main Library.