Entrepreneur’s database
Elinvoimaa magazine
The City of Loimaa’s Elinvoimaa magazine is published annually and distributed electronically or addressed to Loimaa’s business establishments. If for any reason you have not received the magazine, please contact our business advisers. The latest issues are linked below. If you need an older issue, please contact the business advisers.
Do you want your company to be featured in the magazine Elinvoimaa? Contact our business advisers at yrityspalvelut@loimaa.fi.
Vitality 1 /2024
Vitality 1/2023
Vitality 1/2022
Networks and stakeholders
Loimaa is known for cooperation and networking. You can find local entrepreneurs through business associations, business partners and various public bodies can help, and you might get a good tip from a neighbour.
Alastaro Entrepreneurs
Chairman Juuso Hulmi
e-mail: alastaron@yrittajat.fi
Loimaan Trade and Services Association
Loimaan Region Youth Chamber of Commerce
Loimaan Region Women Entrepreneurs
Loimaan Entrepreneurs ry
Turku Chamber of Commerce / Loimaan Chamber of Commerce Section
Corporate mentors
The City of Loimaa became a member of the Finnish Business Co-operatives Association 2018. With this membership, our entrepreneurs can benefit from the mentoring network free of charge. Sponsorship is based on voluntary and confidentiality. Read more about business sponsorship.
Mentorisi.fi service
A nationwide low-threshold service open to all entrepreneurs, where entrepreneurs can find a professional to coach their business.
Advice from
The Enterprise Finland helpline is staffed by national business advisers during working hours, tel. 0295 020 500.
Talousapu – a financial helpline providing free and confidential help and advice to businesses in financial and payment difficulties. tel. 029 502 4880
The Entrepreneur Support Network is a free service for all entrepreneurs where they can talk to an expert in confidence, tel. 02 275 7112.
The Caring for a Farmer project is a free and confidential service for farmers.
We cooperate both nationally in the Seutukaupunki network of business advisors and locally with other actors in the surrounding area (e.g. Creve, Spark Up, Business Turku, YritysSalo, Forssa Business Development, Huittinen, Auranmaa municipalities).