Outreaching Youth Work
Youth work offers all people under the age of 29 the opportunity for personal guidance and support. As a priority, outreaching workers serve young people who are not in education, training or employment, and those who want help with something that is bothering them. They help young people to build a life that looks like their own – circumstances that they can be happy with and that allow them to move forward with confidence.
An outreaching youth worker is a companion who helps you figure out how to take the next step. No issue is too small or too big to tackle together! If you feel alone or don’t know who to ask, a youth worker is the person to turn to. It’s always easy, confidential and free to contact them.
There is no question you can’t ask an outreaching youth worker, and no question you can’t find answers to together with a youth worker! Youth work supports you in the things that are important to you. Meetings take place where the young person wants to be and where they feel comfortable. This could be a café, a park, the premises of the youth work centre, or even the young person’s own home.
Citynuokkari has open doors for outreach clients on Fridays from 12-15.30. Food, coffee and a chat are provided.
Watch the video to find out what we do!
![Kuvassa etsivät nuorisotyöntekijät Mauri Vainio ja Anu Haapanen. Ei ole niin pientä asiaa, etteikö vois jutulle poiketa. Avoimet ovet Citynuokkarilla perjantaisin klo 12-15.30 osoitteessa Asemakatu 5 Loimaa. Tervetuloa](https://www.loimaa.fi/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/etsivat-avoimet2023-1024x1024.png)
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