Advice for people arriving from Ukraine

This page contains basic information about Loimaa for those fleeing the war in Ukraine and those helping them. The different service sectors of the city contribute to helping Ukrainians fleeing the war and the city cooperates with voluntary organisations and authorities. A Ukrainian interpreter can be used to help with official procedures.

Up-to-date information on the situation in Ukraine and refugees

The website of the Finnish Immigration Service (Migri) provides advice and guidance on what to do when entering a foreign country. The website also provides advice on the situation in Ukraine, including how to apply for asylum, residence permits, grants, donations and assistance.

Temporary protection for people fleeing Ukraine

Temporary protection is for people fleeing the war in Ukraine. The purpose of temporary protection is to enable them to be offered temporary protection quickly. People fleeing Ukraine should apply for temporary protection, which will also give them access to the services provided by the city.

If you are applying for temporary protection or asylum in Finland, registration is done through the police. In Southwest Finland, asylum seekers are primarily directed to the Raisio Police Station (Nallinkatu 8, Raisio. Raisio Police Station – Police).

The police hope that you will be contacted before you arrive at the police station so that they can make arrangements and arrange for an interpreter to be present:

Staying with relatives or friends without the help of the authorities is possible within the limits of a normal passport or residence permit allowed by a work permit. For more information and updates, please visit the Migration Board ‘s website.


Migri, the Finnish Immigration Service, is responsible for housing asylum seekers.

Self-arranged accommodation for people arriving to Loimaa from Ukraine

If you are living in private accommodation, for example with relatives, spouse or acquaintances, and you have registered as an asylum seeker with the police, you will be directed to register with the private accommodation unit of the Finnish Red Cross Southwest Finland District.

The police will report all asylum seekers in private accommodation to the private accommodation unit, which will contact the asylum seeker. The private accommodation unit will provide you with the reception services you are entitled to, such as urgent and necessary medical care and, if you are eligible, a reception allowance.

No financial support is provided for the cost of private accommodation. The Finnish Red Cross Private Accommodation Unit does not provide accommodation either.

Social and health services

Your right to municipal services is determined by your residence status. Anyone residing in the municipality is entitled to emergency social and health services, regardless of their residence status.

In acute emergencies outside office hours, residents of Loimaa or people staying in Loimaa can contact the regional Turku Social Welfare and Crisis Helpline on 02 2626 003 or the public emergency number 112.

Right to social security

Most Kela benefits are only available if you intend to stay in Finland permanently. In some situations, however, you may be entitled to a basic subsistence allowance. The reception centre is responsible for the subsistence and health services of asylum seekers.

More information on the Kela website

Early childhood care and education

Those granted temporary protection can apply for early childhood education and pre-school education. Contact Heidi Kauti, Director of Early Childhood Education and Care, tel. 050 406 3659.

For more information on enrolment, visit the Early Childhood Education and Care website.

Preparatory education for children born between 2005 and 2014

If a pupil of basic education age (born in 2014-2005) arrives in Loimaa who does not speak Finnish, he or she will be enrolled in preparatory education. Contact Manne Pärkö, Director of Education, tel. 050 593 6249.

For more information on enrolment, see the schools’ websites.

How can I help?

Individual citizens and businesses can help Ukraine and Ukrainians through organisations such as:

Finnish Red Cross
Save the Children
Unicef Finland
Plan International
World Vision Finland
UN Women
Church Aid Abroad
Doctors without Borders

The organisations prefer to receive financial support that can be channelled precisely to those in need or to specific items. Volunteer registers can be set up for future needs. You can also contact local aid organisations in Loimaa directly.

Voluntary transfers and bringing Ukrainians to Finland

The Migration Board (Migri) asks to be informed about Ukrainians arriving by voluntary transport.

Notify Migra in advance of transports arriving from Ukraine

Discussion help and support

Don’t be left alone with heavy thoughts if the changing world situation is causing you worry and fear. The links below provide contact details for help and support.

The crisis hotline is on call 24/7 at 09 2525 0111

Kristelefon, the Swedish-language line, is on call at 09 2525 0112
Mon, Wed from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Tue, Thur, Fri from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

The English and Arabic speaking service is on call at 09 2525 0113
Mon, Tue 11:00–15:00, Wed 13:00–16:00 and 17:00–21:00 and Thu 10:00–15:00

Tukinet provides support for various crisis situations in life around the clock.

Turku's social emergency service offers crisis and discussion help around the clock by phone

02 262 6003

You can call the free telephone number of the Mannerheim Children's Protection Association for Children and Youth from Mon-Fri 14:00-20:00 and Sat-Sun 17:00-20:00 at 116 111. The call can be made anonymously and the call will not be recorded.

You can chat confidentially and anonymously with a volunteer on duty, about any topic, in the chat of the Mannerheim Children's Protection Association. The chat is open every day from 17:00 to 20:00.

Additional information:

Low-threshold chat help is available every day and night by phone and online. Chat is aimed at 12-29 year olds.

Sekasin-chat (messed up -chat)  is open Mon-Fri from 9 am to midnight and on weekends from 3 pm to midnight at Sekasin-Discord is open 24h at

Service telephone number 0400 22 11 80, every evening from 18:00 to 24:00.

Service chat Mon-Fri 12-8pm.

A service letter offers discussion help in the form of a traditional letter sent by post. If you want a reply, please include your name and address information. Send the letter to the address: Service letter, PO Box 210, 00131 Helsinki Enduring worry and uncertainty related to the threat of war

Finnish Red Cross: The crisis in Ukraine can shock the mind

What can you do if talk of war worries you?