Nature conservation
The municipality is responsible for promoting nature conservation in its various activities. According to the Constitution, responsibility for nature and its biodiversity lies with the municipality. the public authorities must endeavour to ensure the right of everyone to a good environment. environment.
According to the Municipalities Act, a municipality aims to promote the well-being and sustainable development of its residents.
According to the Nature Conservation Act (20.12.1996/1096), the municipality must promote nature and landscape conservation in its territory.
In addition to the provisions of the Nature Conservation Act, Finland is bound by the provisions of international agreements on the protection of nature or of wild species belonging to it.
Favourable level of protection
In order to achieve the objectives referred to in Section 1 of the Nature Conservation Act, nature conservation must aim to achieve and maintain a favourable level of protection for our country’s habitats and wild species.
The conservation status of a habitat type is favourable when its natural distribution and total area are sufficient to ensure its long-term conservation and the long-term structure and functioning of its ecosystem, as well as the conservation status of the species that characterise it.
The conservation status of a species is favourable when it is able to maintain long-term viability in its natural habitats.