
Welcome to Loimaa local service points as a customer of the employment services

From 1 January 2025, employment services will be transferred to municipalities and TE Offices will be abolished. In the Turku employment area, the city of Loimaa will also provide statutory employment services in Aura, Oripää and Pöytyä.

Please note that existing employment services will automatically continue in 2025. This does not require any action on your part. The transfer of your employment to the City of Loimaa will not affect the validity of your job application or the tasks or services already agreed with you. You will receive instructions from the City of Loimaa and you will not need to re-register as a jobseeker or be contacted just to change your status. If necessary, we will contact you personally.

To register as a jobseeker, use the Job Market‘s My Account service. The Job Market will therefore continue to act as a meeting point for workers and employers. You will find information, services and job vacancies related to the labour market. When you log on to the Job Market, you can, for example, create a job search profile.

It is also a service channel for employers and business customers. On the Job Market you can create a job advertisement and apply for, for example, wage subsidies or start-up grants and submit applications for payment of the subsidies granted. Employers are advised to contact the service for all recruitment-related matters with a low threshold.

To make an appointment with a business adviser or a recruitment coordinator, do so online:

Advice for start-up entrepreneurs (Loimaa, Aura, Oripää, Pöytyä)

Advice for operating businesses (Loimaa)

Service points, opening hours and contact details in the Loimaa region in 2025:

You can always turn to your municipality for help in finding a job or recruiting employees. Your municipality will direct you further if necessary.

  • Office building Virastotalo, Vareliuksenkatu 2, Loimaa:
    • From 9.1.2025: Mon and Thu 9-12, at other times by appointment.
    • On-call number: 040 615 9202
    • Employment area central telephone services: 02 262 3880
  • Employer and business customers, Elinvoimatalo, Ahonkatu 1, 1 st floor, Loimaa by appointment:
    • Recruitment related issues Teiju Tammi 040 156 3283
    • Start-up entrepreneurs Paula Avellán 050 328 2834
    • Employment area central telephone services: 02 262 3810
  • Service points: Auraamo in Aura, Taitotalo in Pöytyä and Oripää by appointment
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