Land use planning refers to the planning of land use. In Finland, zoning is governed by the Land Use and Building Act (MRL).
A guide for local residents on planning issues (3.41 MB, pdf).
The general objective of the Land Use and Building Act is:
- organise land use and construction to create the conditions for a good living environment
- promote ecologically, economically, socially and culturally sustainable development
- ensuring everyone’s participation in the preparation of issues, the quality and interactivity of planning, the diversity of expertise and open communication
A land-use plan is drawn up for the detailed organisation, construction and development of land use. The land-use plan defines for each area, among other things, the use, building sites, number of buildings, type of construction, street connections, parking, play and recreation areas. Building permits are granted on the basis of the town plan or a master plan drawn up specifically for this purpose. The municipality is responsible for drawing up the master plan. Town plans with a significant impact are approved by the Loimaa City Council, and those with a minor impact by the Loimaa City Government.
Regional planning for the Loimaa area is the responsibility of the Regional Council of Southwest Finland.
Map system
The planning system is three-tiered. It consists of a regional plan, a general plan and a town and country plan. The regional plan guides the general planning of municipalities, while the master plan is intended to guide the development of the town and country plans, which ultimately serve as guidelines for building.
Planning review
According to Section 7 of the Land Use and Building Act, a municipality must at least once a year prepare a review of planning matters pending and soon to be pending in the municipality and the county council.